The course exposes students to strategic human resource management (SHRM) functions. All future employees and managers need to understand SHRM functions and issues. It is believed that all aspects of SHRM – including how companies interact with the environment: acquire, prepare, develop, and compensate employees; and designed and evaluate work is important knowledge to employees and managers to help the companies meet their competitive challenges and create value.

Business world today is growing very fast where ability to adapt to change is an essential quality to become a successful organization. Thus, a lot of importance in being given to change management process and the need for being flexible as well as adaptable for tackling the growing environmental uncertainties or competitive threats. Recent pandemic and other environmental challenges are making the need for effective change management process more appealing. These activities help organizations in accepting the changing customer needs, meeting their demands and expectations in a much better way. The course will talk about change management, the rise and fall of the rational organization, understanding change and managing choice. As a result, students will be able to relate to their future coworkers better, be ready if a future employer asks for help with a restructure and learn how to adjust business plans based on market conditions.

This course will cover the protection of workmen and employers and their trade union, rights of employee and employers towards the industrial action, causes of trade disputes, collective bargaining, representation on dismissal and investigation, inquiry for the disputes, discipline, employee empowerment, and international labor organization (ILO).

This course delivers an introduction to the various methods of performance appraisal system of employees to develop organization for achieving short term and long term goals. It also explains and reinforces the concept that performance management is not a one-time supervisory event, but an ongoing process of planning, facilitating, assessing, and improving individual and organizational performance. In addition, the course emphasizes the importance of measuring the effectiveness of human resource activities that are designed to enhance individual and organizational performance.