Course Title: Methods and Materials of Teaching English
Course ID: TEA 510
Credit Hours: 3

This course introduces participants to some of the major trends in methods, approaches, assumptions and issues on the nature of language and how languages can be acquired and taught. The discussion is geared towards the development
of English Language Teaching (ELT) methodology, of which participants are exposed to the development from traditional methods to the current ELT methodology. The ELT methods and approaches covered among others include grammar translation method, communicative approach, audio-lingual method, and post method. The course also includes the noledge of materials, their development, adaptation and evaluation in order to implement in English Language classroom which is beneficiary for English Language Teachers.
Evaluation and Marking - 100 marks
1. Weekly Quiz (20%)
2. Discussion Forums (10%)
3. Homework (10%)
4. Case Study/Workshops (20%)
5. Research Paper Presentation/Term Paper (40%)