Course info
Course Code: ENG 0232-404
Course Title: 20th Century Poetry
Total Credit Hours: 03
Semester End Examination Hours: 03
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Marks: 60
Semester End Examination (SEE) Marks: 40
This course will cover major poetic works of three noteworthy modernist poets like Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Rich and Ted Hughes. These poets put emphasis on traditional formalism and ornate diction in accordance with their contemporary Modern Era. These poets emerged after World War II. This course focuses on their forms and styles, socio-political conditions, historical backgrounds, individuality and family relationships. This course will enhance students ‘perception about the relevance of mid-20th century literature in contemporary times.
Course Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Recall and understand the historical background of the war-torn Western world and America in the Modern Era especially after the World War II;
CO2: Discover the characteristic forms of Modern poetry and the different styles of Modern poets;
CO3: Formulate useful questions and persuasive arguments about 20th century Modern poetry;
CO4: Compare and contrast current criticisms on Modern poets.