Course info

Welcome to students to join the spring semester on the course open channel Flow. We are going to begin this course by 16 January 2023 as Spring Semester. This is Engr. Rabindra Ranjan Saha, PEng Associate Professor, World University of Bangladesh will teach you this course following Outcome Based Education(OBE) system. This course contains 3 credits. Course code is CE 801. The syllabus of this course is already provided.
This course deals with flow and flow pattern of water/fluid. Classification of different pattern of flow of water. Velocity, discharge, control of flow and hydraulic jumps etc. After studying this course the student will be able to learn how to protect bank erosion and scouring.
The outcome of this course i.e. after completion of this course the students will be able to gain the following outcome(course outcome) which will benefit in the physical works in the field are as follows:
CO1: Identify different types of flows.
CO2: Design economically most efficient channels and canal sections.
CO3: Analyze the flood propagation through regular channel.
For the study, reference book is mentioned below. However the name e-book with link already uploaded.
1. Rabindra Ranjan Saha, "Introduction to Open Channel Flow"
2. Vente Chow, : Open Channel Hydraulics"
The students are advised to keep contact with the course teacher for any inconvenience. For the communication with the course teacher following information will help the students:
Engr. Rabindra Ranjan Saha,PEng
Associate Professor, WUB
Cell No. 01736111795
Wish you good luck.