Course info
This course named "English for Tourism and Hospitality Management" is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and concepts of the English language and to make it functional for their academic purposes. It will also accelerate learners’ ability to apply it in everyday life in order to be able to contribute to successful communication—both oral and written.
Evaluation and Marking-100 marks:
1.Weekly Quizzes(20%)
2.Discussion Forums(10%)
3. Homework/Assignments-(10%)
4.Case study/Workshop-(20%)
5.Reseach paper presentation/Term paper-(40%)
Evaluation and Marking-100 marks:
1.Weekly Quizzes(20%)
2.Discussion Forums(10%)
3. Homework/Assignments-(10%)
4.Case study/Workshop-(20%)
5.Reseach paper presentation/Term paper-(40%)
- Teacher: sumona sharmin